12 August 2008



Since October 2007 Islamic sources have been claiming large numbers of Muslims are converting to Christianity in Yemen. The World Muslim League has urged the Yemeni government to curb conversions and al-Qaeda deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri has called for a 'media jihad' in Yemen against missionaries and apostasy (leaving Islam). In mid-June 2008 Yemeni authorities arrested what they described as a 'missionary cell' of seven people, charging them with promoting Christianity and distributing the Bible. One member, Hadni Dohni, is also charged with converting to Christianity. The believers are presently being 'investigated'. Religious liberty monitors believe these Christians are at grave risk of beatings, torture and murder. Please pray for these believers and that their arrests will not be in vain but will arouse interest in the gospel. Pray for the Church in Yemen.

More here: http://www.ea.org.au/default.aspx?id=f0c00b78-ebfe-4e33-b359-d01eb3a60d39

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