12 June 2007

Minibuses Around Damascus

I live in the Old City (specifically, Bab Touma, the traditionally Christian Quarter of Old Damascus), but my classes are a good 15-20 minutes away by taxi (down the Autostraad, a converted military airplane runway -- very straight!). A one way taxi fare costs around 75 Syrian pounds (aka lira), so about SY150 both ways. This equals out to about US$3, which I know is not much in the greater scheme of things; it does, however, add up after five days every week. The alternative is the great public transportation system in Damascus: namely, buses and minibuses. Both cost SY5 (US 10 cents), which is actually round-trip for the buses. The minibuses (or service) are prolific and omnipresent. The trick is in finding the right one. There are a few places where they are temporarily stationary, but, for the most part, one waves them down on the street. Knowing how to read -- or at least recognize the Arabic "picture" -- is a must. Here is a photo of the Baramke local bus/service depot. Nearby is one of three national "Pullman" bus depots, going everywhere on the cheap. For example, I traveled the two hours to Bosra (ancient Roman city) for SY50 -- about US$1!

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