24 April 2009


A small and ancient religious minority in Iraq faces utter annihilation at the hands of Islamic extremists in Iraq if swift action is not taken to protect them. In spite of supposed increased security, the Mandaeans continue to be victims of religious violence. They are a peace-loving group who follow the teaching of John the Baptist, speak and worship in the ancient Aramaic language, and they need your prayers.The Mandaeans' religious practices are innately tied to the land of Iraq and the intermarriage of the community members. The refugees that do escape murder and destruction of their homes and businesses experience a wide dispersion that threatens their survival. In some instances, several family members are killed. Of an original 60,000-70,000 member community, only 5,000 are left. Thankfully, the United States and other western countries have accepted many of the displaced Iraqi Mandaeans for refugee resettlement. Those who remain are in harms way.On April 19, 2009, three Mandaean jewelers were brutally murdered by gunmen in their shops in Baghdad. Three others were badly injured and are in serious condition. Since 2003, The Mandaean Associations Union reports numerous incidents of targeted attacks including, 167 killings, 275 kidnappings, and 298 assaults and forced conversions to Islam.In addition to your prayers for the persecuted Christian minority of Iraq, please keep the Mandaeans in your prayers.

Some things you can be prayer for are:

That an independent investigation would happen to look into these atrocities against the Mandaeans

That the Iraqi government would establish a system or group to protect the Mandaeans and act immediately to find the criminals and bring justice to the victims of violence

That the international community would intervene according to international law and the United Nations Charter to protect and secure the rights of the ethnic and religious minorities as well as other indigenous peoples of Iraq

That God would draw this people towards Him and give them help and peace in this difficult timein HIS grace,

Ann Buwalda,
Jubilee Campaign USA
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21 March 2009

Mor Gabriel Monastery in Turkey under Siege (Again)

I visited this monastery (founded in the fourth century) and the Tur Abdin with two friends in April 2007 and it seemed generally prosperous (the monasteries, at least). There was even a busload of Turkish tourists who had come for a visit. Nonetheless, thousands of Syrian Orthodox fled the area in the 1990s during incessant fighting and blackmail between the Turkish army and the PKK, and this ancient oppressed minority struggles to hold on.

29 January 2009

Relevant links to the Eastern Christian Churches

Eventually, I mean to add all of these links from my other blog (southern-damascus.blogspot.com) here as well. In the meantime:

Relevant links to the Eastern Christian Churches